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Guitar Effects n' Pedals

Guitar Effects n' Pedals - How do you go about solving that evergreen guitar-players problem of getting a brilliant sound?

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Guitar Effects n' Pedals: This is a scenario every guitar player faces and the majority of players never get the balance just right or are not happy with their sound. Technique is one thing sure, but no matter how good your technique is you simply must have a red hot sound to stand any chance in the guitar playing cut throat world we all know and love. The majority of players never find this soundscape nirvana. Here's a great place to start solving this evergreen guitar problem once and for all and it applies to any style.

Guitar Effects Jungle!

Indeed, its a veritable jungle out there these days when it comes to choosing the right guitar gear, and the learning curve in this department can take years to get that magical sound. That's IF the player ever gets to this point in the first place! Should I use Analogue or Digital? How do you get a drenching Blues guitar sound? Where's the true metal solo sound? Why does my lead sound tinny? How can I get rid of that noise and stop my guitar from screeching? How do I set Timed-Delays? The list of questions goes on and on.

Solve the Guitar Effects Puzzle

Did you know that many players never succeed in getting an awesome guitar sound through their guitar effects and pedals setup? The amount of players with an average guitar sound far outweighs the amount of guitarists with a great sound. Use this fact to your advantage!
Guitar Effects + Pedals Guide width=150 height=200


Enter Get a Hot Guitar Sound! This ebook will show you how to build a great sounding setup, introduce Pro Industry Standards to you, and enable you to get the sound you have always wanted in your head.

This knowledge will push you forward ahead of the pack. You owe it to yourself to find out this information. This little gem can cut YEARS off any player's learning curve.

Indeed, it will help you to become a player with a recognizable and respected sound in the business if you follow the guidelines.



Got the charts in your sights? Get off to your mission on the right foot and get that much needed awesome sound. Suits ANY style of guitar! We use a Clickbank Secure System to take orders. Any questions on it? Please contact us through the Dreamsounds4Guitar site contact link.





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