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Affiliate Online Opportunity

Affiliates online opportunity - welcome to our WFH info page. Just to kick things off we have what I think is the best online club out there  - and I'm not alone in this view by a long shot. You can see for yourself it's a comin' up - some club features include...

  • Legendary Downloads
  • Ebooks
  • Tools and info
  • Free membership
  • 24/7 Help

Global Work width=30 height=30 All Guitar Players/Musicians/PC Users Work From Home Plans are accessible globally. Yes, you can submit to all UniGTR+ faves from anywhere in the world folks, which is not always the case I've found - and it's very disappointing when you find a good one that your not eligible for because of location.  







Continuous Incoming Residual Income
  • If you don't know what an Continuous Incoming Residual Income is, well your not alone - I certainly didn't know what it meant when I first came across it.
  • But it's a fascinating subject I've learned to love.  
  • Being crazy about computers for a few years now and constantly striving to improve on this helps matters, but these plans are aimed at all PC user levels anyway.
  • The Newbies are the one's to look out for ;-).





Money width=51 height=45


  • Beginner's Affiliates Affiliate Selling is all about e-selling other company's goods. From toddler's toys to TVs, flights to sunny Spain or books, cars, fashion...ANY biz or service. :-)
  • For example you put up an information site about a chosen subject which has links to other people's products. You choose which online products to promote (these affiliate products are usually associated with your site's content). When you sell a product thru one of your links the company pays you a commission.
  • This is just a simplified version of what's possible and just a tiny example of what you can do online.
  • Affiliate programs also enable an already established business to turn a local biz into a global concern. This is very useful and interesting stuff if your in the retail and/or service provider game.
  • Build your Web Site - even without one this affiliate plan works but you'll find that the action available on the Net is irresistible ;-).
  • You can write your own e-mag.
  • Put a mailing list together.
  • Take Money orders Online - eg Paypal.
  • Track Links/Sales.
  • Watch traffic, promotions and clicks live.
  • Scour the Internet for free classifieds.
  • Whatever you can imagine - sky's the limit.
  • Include offline promotions -
  • Even internet parties if you want!

To find out more affiliate nitty-grittys try the 5-Pillar Club where you can have a look around and see what the fuss is all about. Get yourself off to a flying start - the amount of free information and downloads available at the club is staggering.

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Universal Total Guitar Plus Center

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More to follow in the next few days - I've discovered some excellent cream of the crop programs thru literally tons of hours of hunting around and research ... they're on the way ;-).

... I'll see you out there, gud luk!


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