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Guitars! Hi and a BIG Overdriven Welcome to one and all! UniGTR+ is a comprehensive mix of simply tons of six-string player + musician's Info.

UniGTR+ covers many aspects of crucial importance to players of many different styles of music. From Metal to Jazz and many areas inbetween - beginner to pro.

Contents include: Free Video Lessons, Free Lessons w/Original MP3 Demo's + Backing Tracks, Tone Tips, Electric + Acoustic Solutions, FX Dimensions, Chord families, Scales, Modes, Amplifiers ...

Also covered are Gigs, Stage Fright Remedies, Recording Studios, Recording Equipment, Getting a Music Recording Deal, Creative Writing Tips, Song Writing Tips and Guides ...

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Sign up for your free (for now) Uni Musicians E-Zine In the near future this exclusive listing will be a paid only membership - now's your chance to get in for free.

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5 x Star Guitar Learning Programs - Researched + Recommended by




Breakthru in Learning! Check out this excellent software that holds the key to becoming amazing on your instrument!

Free Video Lesson Check out this excellent player and classy lesson. Shows you a nice way of mixing Diatonic Scales in with the Minor and Major Pentatonic. Great for some cool Blues soloing.

Backing Track? Wanna SERIOUSLY Improve Your SOLOING? This article tells you why you should be practising over tracks and lots of it! Includes links to some great resources you can check out - plus free trax and resource recommendations.

Six-String Music Videos Mega Selection - the UniGTR+ Collection!
Sweep Picking Awesome sweep picking video - 5 UniGTR Stars

Blues Bending Lesson The information given in this neat little lesson is priceless for any would be Blueser or Rocker!

Video Lessons - Best of Youtube A growing selection of the best lesson videos at good oul Youtube - only the best pass the test!

Slide - Into the Unknown this video I put together features a little slide solo and a few space-adventure power chords :). Also included are tips on playing slide.

UniGTR+++% Video: Air on a 6-String - originally inspired by a piece from the 16th Century!

Rock Leads Check out this cool Guitar Leads learning media. Built on SOLID foundations!

Metallica - Seek And Destroy (pt1) Here's a high quality 3-part lesson on video which takes apart the riffs and licks needed to play this old-school classic.

Free Downloads including, Demos, Freeware, Shareware, and Donationware. All geared towards enhancing your playing and study. Also included in the mix are MP3 files and MIDI backing tracks.

Gary Moore - Corridors of Power Review - Learn Faster With a Master!

6-String Masters - Videos, CDs, Reviews of World-Class Masters! Tips, Videos ...
Warm Up Exercises Lesson Avoid potential nightmares and improve your overall playing.
Steve Vai Studio Video - Steve Vai at the Mothership Studios in Hollywood reveals ...
Guitar on Video Lesson - In this video ... Squealing Harmonics with Dimebag Darrell
Beginner Acoustic Video + Tips Beginner - Naming the acoustic parts
Sweep Picking - Awesome video showing sweep picking and how to - 5 UniGTR Stars!
Mega Selection - the UniGTR+ Collection! Free lessons on Video.
Joe Satriani: Guitar Tips and Exercises This is a small but info packed collection of 10 great exercises and tips for beginners up. Satriani demonstrates these ten excellent Guitar Tips and Exercises in this little goldmine of a video.
Do you play a guktar or a guitag? Gyitar, Gjitar and Guotar players needed now!
Irish Shamrock width=15 height=21UniGTR+++% on Video A guitarified version of some classic Irish rock tunes and riffs.
MP3 Site Audio Recordings / Backing Tracks Free backing tracks / lessons / demos

As we hunt 2-gether for that elusive Holy Grail Sound. Based on 25 years gee-tar crazy, music playing, persistence-learning experience.



UniGTR+ on Video @ YouTube


UniGTR+ Learning Media Product ...


Build Endless Riffs


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Guitar Effects + Pedals Guide width=150 height=200

UniGTR+ New Ebook Release

Due to popular demand and constant search engine traffic, here's a little gem of an ebook that can cut years off a player's learning curve seeking their "Ultimate Sound Nirvana".

Over 25 years playing info and experience packed into this ebook, and it contains info that many players never suss, or find out years later.

Designed to mega cut the quest for the ultimate tone!

Getting a cool professional sound is one major issue that separates the wannabes from the does be's!

Btw it's on a special absolutely ridiculous low price introductory offer for the next few weeks. You can check it out here at our Effects and Pedals page. This price is going up very soon!








*UniGTR+ Contents

Electro-Harmonix Tube Zipper Demo on Video Check out this class demo of this brilliant new pedal. One of the best effect pedals to come out in years.
Joe Satriani:Tips and Exercises This is a small but info packed collection of 10 great exercises and tips for beginners up. Satriani demonstrates these ten excellent Tips and Exercises in this little goldmine of a video.

Create an Open String D Riff - UniGTR+++% Video
Lessons In this video ... Squealing Harmonics with Dimebag Darrell
Amplifiers This is crucial info for electric players - Your Amp is a seriously important part in your ...
Tuning Includes Beginners Tips, Graphite, Lubrication, Tuning Tools, and that previously mentioned Pencil again!
Chords + Families From beginners 'need to know' chords to a few of the more exotic + even hairy ones - demos included.
Alternate Tunings Instantly expand your sonic horizons with the UniGTR+ alternate tuning guide + tips.
Creative Writing Tips + Techniques to mega-multiply anyone's Writing Skills + Musicianship.
Best Software Online Learning Use the Power of your PC to speed-learn any instrument ... Free Downloads.
Stage Fright Remedies Tips to help overcome this common performance problem. There's loads of concrete steps you can start with.
Working with Home Computers and the Internet Put your PC to work for you and create a cool residual income.
UniGTR+ Musician E-Zine Sign up n' join here Get on the UniGTR+ Hotlist right here right now!
Acoustics Beginners and beyond guide. From Acoustic to Slide, Fender, Gibson, Steve Vai, Yamaha. Includes vital "Beermat" tip ;).
Pedals + Effects Spoiled for choice here but are they all good? Answer in a nutshell? Nope! Demos and Industry Standards included.
Hey Gee-tar Player - Make Money in a Covers band! Get $ €£ Notes for Notes ƒƒƒ ... Groovy.
Tablature Helpful Beginner's Tips and Tricks, and best publishers. Featuring top transcribers + note 4 note Tabs + Sheet Music.
Electrics My favorite... find out which one is yours. Handy info with demos, chat and seasoned tips n' tricks ... one with a pencil!
Blues Icons Featuring some of the best, recognized, and special Blues Masters on CD. Learn Faster with a Master!
Vintage Keyboards Featuring original demos and tips. Featured demo, A DW 8000 goes a bit funny ...
Music Promotions Use the power of your PC and the Internet to help go Global with your Music. Learn how to use your PC's Online Power.
Midi for Guitar-Players  MIDI basics, Controllers, tips and tricks and Home Recording Studio set-ups.
Record Company Players and Bands - looking for a deal? Helpful advice recommendations to promote YOUR music.
UniGTR+ Black Hole Could be anything in here at any time due to a time-continuum difference :).
UniGTR+ - Video - A guitarified version of some classic Irish rock tunes and riffs.
Enter The Cookie Monster Dude! What Cookie gets up to on an average walkabout.
YouTube Musician Collaboration 1 - my first collab response to drums, bass (on keyboards), Keyboards and Trumpet tracks already laid down by the rest of the band.
YouTube Musician Collaboration 2 - my second collab, a response to just drums which then had ...
YouTube Musician Collaboration 2a - my second collab (above link), with the response added to just drums which then had Electric Bass, and Trumpet tracks laid down.
The Right Guitar for the right moment can make all the difference. This little video demonstrates the point. Hope you get a laugh from it - I did making it :). Also included is a quick guide to buying a suitable electric for the music you want to play.

UniGTR+++% - Site Map





Acoustic - Affiliate Online Opp - Affiliate Club - Alternate Tuning - Amp Guide - Amp Resources - Blues Music - Beginner's Blues - Beyond the Pentatonic - Buy Guitar Guide - Chord Basics - Chain FX - Covers Band Money Tips - Covers / Equipment Tips - Covers Tips 2 - Creative & Song-Writing ESSENTIALS - Creative Tips - Creative Ideas - Electric- Effects + Pedals - Fender - Chord Chart - B Chords - Guitar Lessons - FX - Gibson - Guitar CD - Guitar Music - Recording - Resources - Major Pentatonic - Homepage - Home Studio -  Vintage Keys - Studio Setups - Ibanez + Peavey - Legal - Midi Guitar Synths - Midi Studio - Modal Madness - Modes - 1PLs [ #1Payday.Loans ] / $5000 Installment Loan at 1PLs Co - Record Company - Recording Studio - Studio Recording - Tab - Tab Resource - Tuning - Tuning Resources - Tuning Tips -  Tubes - Working with PC's - Legal Disclaimer ;-() MP3 Site Audio Recordings / Backing Tracks

 ... Guitarist ... MP3 Site Audio Recordings ... Free Backing Tracks ... Lessons ... Video Lessons ... Musician ...






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