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Studio Recording

Studio Recording - here are some useful home recording studio references and guides that are top of the list here. Recording in your home studio is an ongoing learning process, and you need good reference guides to open the doors.

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Home Studio Recording Shot in the Arm Boosters and Guides

Tips for Recording Musicians by John Harris: There are so many lovely-jubbley books out there on this thorny home recording subject, but unfortunately many of them don't Cut the Mustard but they do Cost the Earth.

This one does the former and avoids the latter extremely well. It's basic, so no glossy photos and ads, just tons of well illustrated use-able Information. Nicely written by an experienced craftsman.

I have it in my collection and have used it often. Also strongly recommended by the same author ...








Recording the Guitar

Recording the Guitar Another winner from Harris. Same as above but delves even deeper into the notoriously hard to record ...twang-doodley-deedley Gee-tar!.. hey Ned I didn't know you played...

This is a strong reference and workshop worthy of it's place in any Muso's Tool-Box.

Basically It's jammed with clear and concise instructions on how to capture great guitar sounds in your Home Recording Studio with hands-on techniques and tips to try.



Home Recording for Musicians for Dummies by Jeff Strong:

If your familiar with this excellent series, then you'll know what to expect. I've been through many Dummies-books and haven't come across a dud one yet.

"Get in, get out information", and "Explanations in plain English" are just two of the descriptions I've come across that have been used to describe "The Dummies Way". To qualify for this list it must be a good-'un. To sum it up...Practical. 

Heavy-Weights Division







Mastering Audio:

Mastering Audio: The Art and the Science by Bob Katz: "As one of the most complete books on the final stage in the recording process...this book clears up any potential misconceptions for newbies and veterans alike." Electronic Musician Magazine, July 2003.

This 319 page Cornucopia (got that one from me Thesaurus, hee-hee), provides a thorough grounding in All Home Recording Skills. Reviewers are throwing around that word "Bible" already!









Mixing Engineer's ...

The Mixing Engineer's Handbook by Bobby Owsinsky: An essential collection of hands-on mixing techniques.

No vague discussion here, just solid, relevant and exciting techniques, tips and tricks, that you can apply to your own mixes.

Comes highly recommended and it's just what the Rock n' Roll Doctor ordered.



More HOT Home Recording Guides

  • Our Recording Studio guide gives you the top info on music recording equipment, this page contains great references you can use to work magic in your recording studio!
  • Your recording of the guitar and and all instruments including Midi-ed Guitars, Keyboards and Instruments and the like. Mix the Real World sounds with the Virtual and you're really cookin'.





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