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Sweep Picking Techniques

Sweep Picking Techniques - Check out this excellent sweeping tutor video for electric guitar. The demonstrations are very well presented and played. The demonstrator, Marc Seal, does an excellent job presenting and playing the sweeps and demonstrating the sweep technique with style.

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Sweep Picking Techniques Guitar Video 5 Star Rating width=81 height=16






Sweep Picking Techniques - Beginner with Basic Soloing Techniques / Intermediate



Sweep Picking Techniques

  • This video is aimed at beginner to intermediate players and gives good examples to demonstrate the impressive sweeping technique.
  • It covers rakes and sweeps on various strings starting with 3 string sweeps and progressing to full 6 string sweeps.
  • Right hand and left hand techniques are clearly shown. Partial sweeps and full six-string sweep picking is covered well and shown.
  • Effective sweep picking exercises are given.
  • The video itself is very professionally produced and you won't get a better sweep picking primer crashcourse. Take your sweep picking from basic to advanced with this excellent guitar teaching video.
    UniGTR+ Rating Guitar Video 5 Star Rating width=81 height=16  







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